Saturday, March 7, 2009

First Entry

I figured I would start off this blog with some epic rant on the recently released film adaptation of "Watchmen", but then I thought. No. Too long of a post requiring too much research to be done. So, on that note. I figured I'd at least introduce myself to those of you who don't know me.
The names is SirOdin (like that, I do) and I am a nerd. I read comics, watch way too many movies, play an absurd amount of video games.
Today I started playing Square Enix's Final Fantasy 9 again, and realized how much I miss the classic SquareSoft games. I mean since the merger of SquareSoft and Enix, what have they produced that's good? If I have my facts straight, which I do, the last Final Fantasy made by SquareSoft was Final Fantasy 10. Whether you thought it held a candle to 7, 8, or 9 or not, you have to admit X was expotentially better than X-2, or XII. Since then they've produced, 3 Final Fantasy's , X-2, XI, and XII, a couple of other RPG's, and REreleased several old school Final Fantasy's that they considered revamped. No. The rereleased Final Fantasy games were good to amuse us in the dead time in between XII and XIII but, they didn't do that. I throughly enjoyed the rerelease of 4 but, definitly did not hold me over.
Do they even have a release date for XIII? Is it in my lifetime. Seems like it's been years since my last true final fantasy experiance.
Anyway, In case you couldn't tell I have been very disappointed in Square Enix. Since it became Square Enix and not SquareSoft.
If your looking for a game with a good old fashion Final Fantasy feel check out Lost Odyssey for the 360. It was created by many of the creaters of the Final Fantasy series who left Square after the merger. Hm. Hm.
Anyway. Topic: FF9.
How awesome is this game. Honestly. The main character is (SPOILERS) a creature from another planet who was created to simply cause havoc and take lives. The anti-hero, is basically the same guy.
The battle system is great, althought it runs slow at times. You guys know what I mean, the waiting sometimes is enough to drive you nutz, but it's okay. I love this game. Each character has their own strength and weakness, and that is just awesome. I love the ability learning software for this game.

Anyway, I'm gonna run, because it's been a long day. Check back often for more awesome well, rants, on Technology, Comics, Video Games, Movies, and whatever is on my mind.

I leave you with this qoute from a good friend of mine.
"I was talking to this chick about how funny 'Hamlet 2' was.... and she says to me, I haven't seen the first one, so I don't know any of the characters"
Just so you know. That 'chick' is in college at a major university.

1 comment:

  1. personally my favorite FF is FF9...has a great mixture of it all but doesn't over do anything, 7 is still the reason it all began but FF9 is the reason i kept going...can't wait for 13 and all the other versions of 13 that are coming up...should make for some good hybernation...always good to read your thoughts brother

