Monday, March 30, 2009

Commercial Success killed the New Idea... Star.

Bad title, I know... But. It ties in.

DigitalSpy are reporting (link) that Nintendo are due to announce the next Wii outing for our favourite Green-Clad, Elven Hero...

The title?

"The Legend of Zelda: We've Run Out of Ideas So We're Remaking Ocarina of Time Instead."

*Rolls Eyes*

Bad Nintendo! *fwaps with rolled up Newspaper* BAD! We want new ideas. NEW! Yes it's a brilliant universe, but we're seriously going into Lucas-Esque Re-Touching (Read: Molesting) of the Original Star Wars movies...

And that way madness lies...

- DA Out.

1 comment:

  1. I mean Ocarina Of Time is a classic they shouldn't even touch it, they should just let the game be...They have to come up with new ideas and not recycle games we have already played a million times...
